About Us

About Premier Vision Center

Dr. Alexander Kane of Premier Vision Center started his business 5 years ago in August 2020. Dr. Kane and his associates decided to start their own business during the Pandemic due to limited job opportunities. 

 “The pandemic was a new and ever-present threat at the time and jobs were scarce for new healthcare graduates, so my associates and I decided to strike out on our own,” Dr. Kane said.

Dr. Kane and his associates encompass a philosophy of uncompromising service in their office. “We have a great staff who excel at their jobs, and who will do everything they can do in order to get you seeing as well as possible” Dr. Kane said.

“The part of my job that I enjoy the most is the reaction when I am able to help a patient with a problem. Many people come in not even realizing that they have a problem with their eyes or feel like their particular problem is due to something else entirely. If I can help people like that it always brings a smile to my face,” Dr. Kane said.

About Us

“My message to the community is to not neglect your eyes. Vision is such a large part of daily life that is easy to take for granted. Be sure to take care of your eyes because you only get two”